Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Blessing

Wow - Colleen delivered a beautiful baby girl - Lylah Caroline - on October 30. She weighed in at 6lbs 6oz and is absolutely gorgeous. Big brother Carson gives her "gentle kisses and gentle hugs"! Mom and baby are doing well - more answered prayers. Lylah is gaining weight and settling in with her new family.

Tami is doing well also - still adjusting her Coumadin dosages but that is to be expected. Baby Jake is growing every day. Love SKYPE - so glad I can see the family on the web cam. Hopefully Cheryl will get a web cam also so I can see her family also.

Can't believe Ryan is 14!! Being in the delivery room when he was born was so special - time goes by sooo fast.

Today I'm going to Tristin-Grace's princess birthday party. She is also getting so big - such a prissy little girl.

Looking at houses again. Saw one that I'm interested in but not getting my hopes up yet.

Till next time.....